Neurodiversity in Learn to Swim - Sheryl Everett, AUSTSWIM Trainer 

Supporting the needs of neurodiverse students continues to arise in workforce research as a key development area for Australian teachers.  

This workshop exclusively delivered by AUSTSWIM Trainer, Sheryl Everett, will expand on the needs of neurodiverse students and provide helpful tips for working alongside families and carers to improve the learn to swim experience for teachers and students alike.  
Prepare to discuss three areas of neurodiversity including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Global Developmental Delay and understand why challenging behaviours may arise. Sheryl will walk you through simple strategies such as using pictures or written schedules (for the whole class), reframing lesson sequences and the importance of building a strong relationship with students to improve the learn to swim experience.  


Announcement Coming Soon  

Keep and eye out for more announcements. 


Announcement Coming Soon  

Keep and eye out for more announcements. 



Creating Belonging in Learn to Swim - Katrina Scarpin, AUSTSWIM Trainer & Swim School Owner.  

This session will unpack the importance of driving belonging in learn to swim settings. Katrina will share her extensive real-life experience and walk you through practical inclusion takeaways to implement in contemporary learn to swim environments.  

Katrina will explore how building inclusive and empowering learning environments fosters collaboration and supports wellbeing. By recognising diverse identities, experiences and needs within a community, teachers are well positioned to implement strategies to ensure students feels seen, valued and respected. Katrina will describe how she has managed to break down systematic barriers by promoting empathy and understanding in order to drive meaningful relationships across all levels.  

Announcement Coming Soon  

Keep and eye out for more announcements. 


Announcement Coming Soon  

Keep and eye out for more announcements. 



Communication in Modern Learn to Swim World - Julia Wood, Head of Training & Development AUSTSWIM & Chiara Tonin, Assistant Centre Manager

Experts in their fields, this session will be co-led by Julia and Chiara in order to unpack emerging workforce research that highlights the need to adjust and refine our communication approach in learn to swim settings.  
With rapid advancements in technology, competing demands in aquatic environments and a population wide reduction in attention, this interactive session will explore practical strategies to keep students in the pool, engaged and connected to their learning.


Foundational Learning Refresher - Teaching Water Safety and Survival Strokes - Katrina Scarpin, Swim School Owner & AUSTSWIM Trainer 

The 2023 Sport and Recreation Training Package introduced new and updated units of competency for the teacher of swimming and water safety. With the recent drowning statistics always front of mind, the importance of teaching survival strokes is as crucial as ever. 
Join us on poolside with experienced AUSTSWIM Trainer Katrina, as she provides a refresher session on the skills themselves (breaststroke, survival backstroke, sidestroke, treading water) and the progressive practices used to teach them.


Accessibility in Aquatics - Jamie Musgrove - Para Mobility

Utlising equipment is important to provide everyone with the ability to participate in activities, programs and general recreational needs of an Aquatic Centre. Join Jaime from Para Mobility as he provides helpful information about using these items of equipment in a safe way for you and those needing access to it.